My interpretation of a realistic looking Evil Queen, fitting in with the Snow White set. I must admit, Regina from ABC’s “Once Upon A Time,” was an inspiration. This set includes 2 crowns (the same crown, but 1 higher up, and 1 sitting lower, to allow for more versatility with hair selection, as one or the other will likely clip different hair), and her gown. The actual Evil Queen Sim, pictured will be available for download soon, but first I want to complete her wardrobe with an over-the-top formal gown. This outfit was created using Sims 4 Studio.
| Download Evil Queen Gown & Crown Set |
CC used on this sim:
- In top picture, the dark updo: Victory Rolls 02 by Colores Urbanos at TSR | Download |
- Recolor of top hair by Saiyara Sims | Download |
- In the bottom picture: Starlight Hairstyle by Cazy at TSR | Download |
- Skin: Jasmin Skin by Ms_Blue at TSR | Download |
- Eyelashes: Extremely long eyelashes by NotEgain | Download |
- Eyes: Super Eyes by S4Models | Download |
- Eyebrows by Kijik | Download |
- Eyebags V1 by MissFortune at TSR | Download |
- Lipstick: Berry Sorbet by Screaming Mustard at TSR |Download |
- Eyeshadow by Nightcrawler at TSR | Download |
- Blush by Simply Morgan | Download |
- Crow Nails by NotEgain | Download |
- Regan Boots by Madlen at TSR | Download |
A big thanks to everyone at Sims 4 Studio who helped me, especially brujah236, take a look at some of his awesome CC here. Also a big thanks to SrslySims for testing my meshes for me, you can find her beautiful creations here.

| Download Peacock Queen Gown & Crown Set |
Every queen needs a party dress, and I want to make sure hers does not disappoint. This is a tightly corsetted mermaid gown. The top is see through lace, and it has a dramatic collar. The crown comes in 2 positions, so you can use it with different hair and avoid some clipping issues. Look for the crowns in the “Glasses” section.
Other CC used here is the same as listed above, besides the hair: Timber by Nightcrawler at TSR | Download | The lips may be different, but are also by Screaming Mustard at TSR.

Ever wonder what the Evil Queen wears to bed (and under that robe?) Well wonder no more. As part of the Snow White Set, here is the first installment of Evil Queen CC. Expect more to come soon! This is a 3 piece set. The bloomers are found in the “leggings” category. I tried to make this set look realistic, medieval, evil, and modest, all at once, which was no easy task. Created using Sims4Studio
| This CC is currently having problems, and I am on it, fixing it, it’ll be back soon, thanks.|
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Hi, fantastic work thank you so much for sharing. Unfortunately the link to Saiyara Sims for Victory Updo recolour doesn’t work 🙁
Is it possible for you to upload this? Many thanks 🙂
Thank you! I can’t find the link, it seems the tumblr is gone, so I just removed the link for now, sorry about that.